Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Week 3 Blog

 Costume designing 

As we know, costume design impacts how the viewer watches the film. The creativity and minds behind the scene are remarkable as costumes are one of many tools the director has to tell the story. Costumes help build the details of a character's personality to the audience and help actors feel more real and comfortable about their roles. There is so much behind what goes on in the process of costume people. It helps actors to feel emotionally associated with the character they're enjoying by wearing the costume and actually loving playing their role which leads to better acting and better adapting for the actor or actress. Below will be a sketch or a planning sheet of what my group and I are trying to accomplish.

This is why as a group with our opening scene about the whole party/project x theme, we wanted to really bring out our A-game when it comes to what the characters are wearing during the scenes. So I came up with a more chill and casual theme as our opening isn't this fancy flashy type of scene. This is a little sketch of what we want to do with it comes to the costume design. To go greater in-depth the sketch basically explains how the boys will wear primary neutral colors for the shirt so basically including colors like "grey, black, and white", I chose to do primary colors because it's a formal replacing attire as it is soft and calming to the eyes. For the bottoms, I decided to do shorts because I feel like jeans and pants will be a little hot for the characters and don't make sense because at a party you are going to be hot so you always wear shorts.

For the shoes, we thought we could match the color of the shirt in the primary sense, and for the girls were going to stick with the primary color with the top and it could be any type of top they would like, for the bottoms, we decided to go with jeans or what we call leggings as from personal experience that's what 90% of girls wear to parties and they never wear shorts. So we want the opening to relate to our target audience which is why we are putting our experiences into this opening so it could connect with the viewers. For there shoes, they can wear vans or sneakers whatever they think is comfortable. What we want to accomplish here is for the view to not only relate to the costumes they are wearing but the colors also as the color make a massive impact on how ti settles in the eye which is why we're going with very com fortbale smooth colors.

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Film opening

Film Opening Link Hope you Enjoyyyy!!!!!