Sunday, February 19, 2023

Blog post week 2

 Sound list

In movies especially with the opening we're trying to create, the soundtrack has to be something that matches the genre and just fits in smooth with what is going on in the film. There are different types of sound including, music, dialogue, sound effects, ambient noise, and/or background noise and soundtracks. But what we will use in the opening are mostly background noise, music, and foley sounds. These will be the most appropriate for our opening considering in a party there is always chattering in the back and it will be the perfect fit to put in our piece. Also, of course music will be a big factor and the choice of music that will be chosen will make sense as the opening goes on. We want to show our creativity using foley sounds because they're are so many opportunities in this opening where we can create our own sound and just have fun with it and be creative.

Some examples of foley sounds we want to use

Deep analysis for foley sounds
Like I said before we want to put as much creativity into our foley sounds as possible because I believe that they're amazing ideas and will a nice touch up to the opening. So for our first sound we want to do it with the scene of random background characters eating chips and for the sound us as a group will record someone stepping on chips or pretzels to make that crunch sound. For the next foley sound, with the sound of people walking into the house or just walking in general we really want the audience to hear the footsteps to make it more realistic. Another scene we want to connect to a foley sound is the scene where the main character's phone is ringing from his parents that are calling him to let him know they're on there way. So for this scene when the phone rings we thought it will be a fun idea to get a bell just a small bell and ring it to resemble the ringing of the phone. The last foley sound we have is my favorite one as the scene of when the characters are cleaning up the house and when one of them have a garbage bag stuffing garbage into it you hear that muffling sound so we decided that what if we just go to a bush and shake it to make that sound that matches the sound of a garbage bag muffling.

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Film opening

Film Opening Link Hope you Enjoyyyy!!!!!