WhAt'S tHe ImPoRtAnCe Of FoNt
What even is font?
A font is a graphical representation of text that may include a different typeface, point size, weight, color, or design. It's a way of catching the eye of someone that is viewing the word or letter, the reason why you may have liked this was the type of font that I used for the title.
The eye is an amazing thing as it connects to the brain to send you waves to see what your eyes can see, your eye attracts everything whether it's good or not. This is why I want to start my title with something that will catch the viewer's eye and also connect with the theme and purpose of the opening. I say this because the different types of designs that you can pick is unlimited but it's the way you view it because different genres will have different style and analytics to the movie that it belongs to.
Fonts in movie openings are incredibly important as it determines what is going to happen or gives a glance at what it's about. A movie's opening is important to the entire production. An attractive design can help to draw the viewer's attention, which is crucial for a film's introduction. Here are some examples of cool movie fonts that I find interesting:

When you see this you just see the word saw and think nothing of it...WRONG! If you actually analyze what is going on you can see how in the title saw the W is presented as a pitchfork, which is usually associated with evil. It is an iconic symbol being used that the devil seems to have this evil thought of pain in hell, this usually includes death and danger. also notice how the color is red because it is usually common in Horror films as it correlates with danger and blood. This plays a huge factor in how people see the title and can clearly see it's a horror movie.

Everyone knows the film Harry Potter but what if you met someone that has never even heard of this amazing film before. some more history behind the font is it is called Cochin and was invented in 1912 as a print font, based on a much older copperplate font invented in 17th century France by Nicolas Cochin. The reason for using this font is because it gives very wizard vibes and the reasoning behind this is to look at the P and how on the bottom it's shaped as a lightning bolt and the very old style type of font. So you would think it has to do with action or a fantasy type of film.
“Where to Find the Harry Potter Font.” Tech Junkie, https://www.techjunkie.com/harry-potter-font/#:~:text=The%20first%20and%20arguably%20most,century%20France%20by%20Nicolas%20Cochin.
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