Saturday, February 25, 2023

Blog post week 3

 Prop creation

What and Why are props in film so important?

A prop is something that is used on stage or in films to help improve appearances. It can help actors perform their roles more successfully or give a scene a more realistic feel. I feel like having props just gives life to the scene that you're trying to film. They matter so much as they should relate to what the genre you're filming is. It can advance a plot, define a character, or take on a symbolic meaning.

Movie props are used to show a setting and place, they can indicate the time and location of where the scene is taking place. The prop can also tell the audience what the genre is, it's a great way interact with the audience. Props can also define the character as it can connect with the character's personality for example Indiana Jones with his whip and Darth Vader with his lighsaver. A prop plays a major factor in Film. Here are some examples of props in film:

This prop was used in the movie "Cast Away" and this prop sets up the whole rest of the story as it explains how Tom Hank was stranded on an island and how nobody but this vollyball with a face comes in and builds a strong connection to the character and when he was lost in the ocean it made the audience emotional as throughout the film you build with the vollyball 

This is from the movie "StarWars", as a kid we all know what the lightsaver was because it was the coolest thing ever but having this prop shows the genre of what starwars is and it gives that SyFi type of genre. 

How are we going to use this knowledge in our project?

Our goal in our opening scene is to use the information that i explained above and apply it to our film. With these techniques and if we put our creativity into it we could really master the way of how prop design can help improve and create the film. For example sicne our opening scene is about a massive p[art the night before we could a house setting and also out props the morning after when the house is trashed. For example, cups, drinks, snacks, trash everywhere. We want to just put our best effort into the prop design because I believe that it's the most important ing in film making as it sets up the whole film. Here is an example of what we are trying to do;

Visual Example of what we want to do 


  1. Greatest Movie Props in Film History,
  2. DeGuzman, Kyle, et al. “Types of Movie Props Explained - and How They Work.” StudioBinder, 19 Nov. 2021,

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Film opening

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