Different method we are using
So remember when in my latest blogs i talked about how we’re going to communicate with each other and be more organized in a way by using a group chat on the social media platform snapchat. We were talking about it on Wednesday and we were thinking if there was an easier approach to this and if there was a method that we could use that would help us be more efficient and more organized in that matter. Also everyday we are gaining new ideas and new creativity that we can put into this opening film because we want this to be the best piece anyone has ever seen.
So we decided to use a google calendar that will allow us to share all information that we want to communicate with each other and the whole group will have access to this calendar. For example if we need someone to bring something or wear a specific outfit for a part that we have to film for out opening we just have to write there name and what to bring or what to wear We feel like this will be the best wha to get things done faster but gets things faster in a efficient way.
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